13th ISO 1997 Chatham (UK)
The 13th International Symposium on Ostracoda was organized by David Horne and his team in Chatham, England, UK in 1997. The proceedings were published as special issues of three journals.
1) The special issue: "Non-marine Ostracoda: Evolution and Environment", edited by J. A. Holmes and D. J. Horne. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, vol. 148, Issue 1-3, 1999
2) The special issue: "Marine Ostracoda and Global Change", edited by I. Boomer & A. Lord. Marine Micropaleontology, vol. 37, 1999.
3) The special issue: "Evolutionary biology and ecology of Ostracoda" edited by Horne, D. J. & Martens, K. Hydrobiologia, vol. 419, 2000.
Group photo |
Group Photo Identification |
From left to right: Guan and another Chinese, unknown woman, then Krstic and Khand.
Photo provided by Nada Krstic.