Regional Meetings
To fill the gaps between the bigger conferences ISO and EOM, several regular regional meetings of ostracodologists take place regularly. Although in first place providing a platform for young ostracodologists to present their theses and alike in their mother tongue, these meetings are of course open internationally and talks in English are very welcome!
These regional meetings are:
- Canadian Ostracodologists' Meeting (COME)
- International German Ostracodologists' Meeting / Deutschsprachiges Ostracodologen Treffen (IGOM)
- French speaking Ostracodologists' Meeting / Réunion des Ostracodologistes de Langue Française (ROLF)
- Italian speaking Ostracodologists' Meeting / Meeting degli ostracodologisti italiani (MOI)
- Meeting of Asian Ostracodologists (MAO)
- The Ostracod Group within The Micropalaeontological Society regularly meets in gorgeous localities; guests are welcome.
Do you know of any other regional meeting? Please inform us.