ISO 18 will be held in Santa Barbara
The next International Symposium on Ostracoda will be held in Santa Barabara, California, USAmerica.
During the last business meeting of IRGO in Rome, our dear colleagues Todd Oakley (University of California Santa Barbara) and Gene Hunt (Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C.) offered to host the next ISO in 2017. We thank Gene hunt for his invitation. We will keep Washington, D.C. in mind for one of the future ISOs.
55.2% of the voters decided that Santa Barbara has better options to host the ISO 18 in 2017. We are looking forward to travelling to California. May be some of us will take the opportunity to stop over at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington D.C. after all.
ISO18 will be the third meeting in the USA after the 4th ISO 1972 Delaware (USA) and 8th ISO 1982 Houston (USA).