Sylvester Bradley Awards 2013 (sponsored by TMS and IRGO) @ISO17, Rome

The winners of this year's Sylvester Bradley Awards

Oral presentation (sponsored by TMS): Yuanyuan Hong et al. (Shallow marine ecological degradation in Hong Kong: a palaeoecological approach using ostracods)

Poster presentation (sponsored by IRGO): Josep Antoni Aguilar-Alberola et al. (The hatching process in Cyprididae ostracods: morphology and function of the A-9 stage)

SF*IRGO Poster Award (splitted):

- Ilaria Mazzini et al. (The “elephants” and the ostracods: a 7 My old tale from the United Arab Emirates)

- Jessica Fischer et al. (The potential role of freshwater ostracods in controlled ecological life support systems (CELSS))