3rd ISO 1970 Pau (France)

The "Colloque sur la Paleoecologie des Ostracodes/Colloquium on the Paleoecology of Ostracodes" was organized in Pau, France, in 1970 by Henri J. Oertli and his team. The proceedings were published in 1971 by the Societe Nationale des Petroles d'Aquitaine as "Colloque sur la Paleoecologie des Ostracodes/Colloquium on the Paleoecology of Ostracodes" (Henri J. Oertli, ed.), Bulletin du Centre de Recherches Pau-SNPA, vol. 5 (supplement), 953 pp. 
The publisher's address was given as: Service Documentation, SNPA, Centre de Recherches, Avenue du President P.-Angot, 64-Pau (France).

Group photo

Group Photo Identification

Contents Proceedings




 Field trip