1st ISO 1963 Naples (Italy)

The Symposium on "Ostracods as Ecological and Palaeoecological Indicators" was held at the Zoological Station of Naples in 1963 (10 - 19 June), at the invitation of Harbans S. Puri. The proceedings were published as: "Ostracods as Ecological and Palaeoecological Indicators," Pubblicazioni della Stazione Zoologica di Napoli, vol. 33 (supplement), 612 pp. (H.S. Puri, ed.) in 1964. For information on current availability of this volume, write to the Zoological Station, Instituto di Paleontologia della Universita, Largo S. Marcellino 10, 80138 Napoli, Italy


Group photo

Conference Dinner



Photo Identification

Conference Dinner Identification