5th Asian Ostracod Meeting

Dear friends and colleagues, 

We are pleased to announce the 2nd circular for the 5th Asian Ostracod Meeting (5th AOM) is now available. If you need pdf version of the 2nd circular for AOM 5, please contact Dr. Byung-Do Choi (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) .

Key dates are listed as below:

- Abstract submission: 16 Feb, 2024

- Early bird registration: 26 April, 2024

- Regular registration: 26 July, 2024.

Due dates above are the same as set for the 37th International Geological Congress (ICG2024). Our 5th AOM is one of special sessions of the scientific program (Theme NO. 11 ‘Paleontology and Paleoanthropology’) of IGC2024. Please check the theme number and session title when you submit your abstracts / registration. Registration and abstract submission for the 5th AOM should be done through the online registration system of the IGC 2024 website

Yours sincerely,

Byung-Do and Yaqiong

On behalf of the organising committee of 5th AOM


CYPRIS 2022 is out!

All issues of the newsletter CYPRIS, including the latest one covering 2022, can now be electronically accessed through the TMS website.

CYPRIS had a famous predecessor, THE OSTRACODOLOGIST, started in 1963 by Ephraim Gerry. All issues of this newsletter can be found on the same TMS webpage.

ISO 18 will be held in Santa Barbara

T55.2% Santa Barabara - 44.8% Washington, D.C.he next International Symposium on Ostracoda will be held in Santa Barabara, California, USAmerica.

During the last business meeting of IRGO in Rome, our dear colleagues Todd Oakley (University of California Santa Barbara) and Gene Hunt (Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C.) offered to host the next ISO in 2017. We thank Gene hunt for his invitation. We will keep Washington, D.C. in mind for one of the future ISOs.

55.2% of the voters decided that Santa Barbara has better options to host the ISO 18 in 2017. We are looking forward to travelling to California. May be some of us will take the opportunity to stop over at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington D.C. after all.

ISO18 will be the third meeting in the USA after the 4th ISO 1972 Delaware (USA) and 8th ISO 1982 Houston (USA).

>>> Proposal <<<

>>> 1st circular <<<

>>> 2nd circular <<<

International Symposium on Ostracoda 2022 in Lyon

The French Ostracodologists’ Group and the International Research Group on Ostracoda are pleased to invite you to attend the 19th International Symposium on Ostracoda that will be held in Lyon at the University Claude Bernard Lyon 1 from July 18th-22nd 2022.

EXTERNAL LINK to the symposium's website.

Participants who will be unable to attend in person because of travel, health or mobility restrictions will still be able to present their work and follow the conference online. If their abstracts are accepted, they will be invited to submit pre-recorded talks ahead of the meeting and to attend a live virtual Q&A session after their talks. Oral sessions during the meeting will therefore be a mix of predominantly live, in-person presentations and some pre-recorded presentations, presented to both the in-person and virtual audience. The symposium will thus be fully streamed for virtual attendees but social events taking place in Lyon will be for in-person attendees only.



October 31st 2021 First Circular – Pre-registration form, suggestions for workshop(s).

January 15th 2022 Second Circular – Symposium and field-trip(s) registrations, opening of abstract submission.

March 31st 2022 Deadline for abstract submission.

April 30th 2022 Decisions on abstracts (including travel grants) and deadline for payment of reduced fees for symposium and field-trip(s)

May 31st 2022 Third Circular – Full program of Symposium and field trips.

December 15th 2022 Deadline for submission of manuscripts for the conference proceedings.



Registration to the Symposium, the annual dinner and the post symposium field trip are now open on this website:

The Registration fee for permanent and junior (i.e. undergraduate students, PhD students, post-doctoral fellows, unemployed researchers) participants includes the abstract volume, the proceeding volumes, the ice-breaker party, the coffee-breaks, the five lunches and the mid-congress excursion.

Accompanying persons will be welcome at all the social events as well as at the midcongress excursion. Virtual attendees’ fees include the live stream of the whole conference (four days) plus the possibility to pre-record a presentation that will be played during the symposium. They will be able to answer questions during a live online session at the end of each day.


FEES (payment made before April 30th, 2022):

Senior participants 350; Junior participants 250; Accompanying persons 100; Virtual attendees 150; Annual dinner 60

FEES (payment made after April 30th, 2022):

Senior participants 450; Junior participants 350; Accompanying persons 150; Virtual attendees 200; Annual dinner 60

Please note that very late registration and payment during the Symposium will be possible.



Sylvester Bradley Awards 2013 (sponsored by TMS and IRGO) @ISO17, Rome

The winners of this year's Sylvester Bradley Awards

Oral presentation (sponsored by TMS): Yuanyuan Hong et al. (Shallow marine ecological degradation in Hong Kong: a palaeoecological approach using ostracods)

Poster presentation (sponsored by IRGO): Josep Antoni Aguilar-Alberola et al. (The hatching process in Cyprididae ostracods: morphology and function of the A-9 stage)

SF*IRGO Poster Award (splitted):

- Ilaria Mazzini et al. (The “elephants” and the ostracods: a 7 My old tale from the United Arab Emirates)

- Jessica Fischer et al. (The potential role of freshwater ostracods in controlled ecological life support systems (CELSS))