7th ISO 1979 Belgrade (Yugoslavia)

The 7th International Symposium on Ostracodes was convened in Belgrade by Nadezda Krstic and her team under the auspices of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts in 1979. The symposium proceedings were printed in advance and distributed at the meeting as "Proceedings of the VII International Symposium on Ostracodes -- Taxonomy, Biostratigraphy and Distribution of Ostracodes," 171 pp., (Nadezda Krstic, ed.). The publisher was the Serbian Geological Society, Belgrade, 1979. YU ISSN 0372-9966 A supplemental volume was published as "VII International Symposium on Ostracodes -- Additional Communications and Discussions" (Nadezda Krstic, ed.) by the Serbian Geological Society in 1984, as: Societe Serbe de Geologie, Comptes Rendus pour l'annee 1983, pp. 125-214, Belgrade





Group photo


Field trip


Contents Proceedings




Groups Photo Identification