IRGO Minutes 4 August 2001
Minutes of the IRGO business meeting on August 4, 2001, held in Shizuoka, Japan.
Chair: Professor N. Ikeya; Vice-Chair: Dr D.J. Horne, Secretary: Dr D. van Harten.
1. Call to order.
The Chairman calls the meeting to order at 16.40 hours and hands the conduct of proceedings to the Vice-Chairman. The Secretary takes the minutes.
2. Minutes of the meeting in Chatham.
The minutes of last meeting (Chatham, U.K., 1997), as published in Cypris and disseminated on Ostracon, are accepted unanimously as a true record.
3. Memorials.
The meeting observes a minute of silence in commemoration of Katsumi Abe, Franciszek Adamczak, Willem van den Bold, Caroline Frost, Mandel Gramm and Greg Sohn. May our colleagues and friends rest in peace.
4. Expression of gratitude to the organizers of ISO2001.
The Vice-Chairman thanks the organizers of the present symposium warmly for their very professional effort, especially Professor Noriyuki Ikeya, Dr Akira Tsukagoshi and Dr Takahira Kamiya. On behalf of IRGO Dr Thomas Cronin hands over a token of appreciation.
5. Peter Sylvester-Bradley Award for young people.
Professor David Siveter announces that the editorial board of the former Stereo-Atlas have set up an award for young people for presentations at IRGO symposia. The award is named for the late Peter Sylvester-Bradley, and the expense is paid from Stereo-Atlas left-over moneys. The first Peter Sylvester-Bradley Award goes to Gengo Tanaka for his outstanding presentation on the functional morphology of the ostracod eye.
6. Next EOM.
Dr Atike Nadik (President EOM) announces that EOM-V will be held in July 2003 in Cuenca, Spain. Further particulars will appear on Ostracon. She hands over the EOM presidency to Professor Julio Rodriguez-Lazaro.
7. Venue of ISO 2005.
There is only one bid: Dr Steffen Mischke announces that Professor Michael Schudack is willing to organize ISO 2005 at the Freie Universitaet in Berlin, Germany. The German bid is unanimously accepted. Particulars will appear on Ostracon.
8. New IRGO officers.
The following officers are elected. Chair: Professor Alan R. Lord (proposed by Dr Ian Slipper, seconded by Dr Mark Warne); Vice-Chair: Dr Thomas M. Cronin (proposed by Dr Robert Ross, seconded by Dr Ian Boomer); Secretary: Dr Koen Martens (proposed by Dr Thomas Jellinek, seconded by Dr Dietmar Keyser); Treasurer: Dr Takahira Kamiya (proposed by Dr David Horne, seconded by Dr Ian Wilkinson). There are no competing candidates, and all returns are unanimous. The new Chairman accepts his election, thanks the outgoing officers and compliments his predecessor upon the excellent organization of ISO2001.
9. Future of Cypris.
There is nothing of note to mention.
10. Adjournment.
The Chairman closes the meeting at 17.00 hours.
To be accepted as a true report at ISO2005 in Berlin.
Dr D. van Harten, Secretary IRGO.